What is it about a warm, aromatic, freshly-brewed cup of homegrown herbal tea that makes it so wonderful? Could it be the relaxing heat of the mug in your hands — or is it the calming aromas and flavors that put your mind and body at ease?
I’m not sure what makes herbal tea so intoxicating, but if you’re a gardener who loves drinking tea, it only makes sense to start steeping your own homegrown herbs. I began doing this a couple of summers ago and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t tried it sooner.
If I’ve sparked your tea-drinking interest — keep reading — because today, we’re going to talk about 7 of my favorite garden herbs for tea that you can grow at home!
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7 Best Garden Herbs For Tea
- Raspberry
- Lavender
- Chamomile
- Lemon Balm
- Rosemary
- Peppermint
- Spearmint
Raspberry plants are — of course — famous for their nutritious (and delicious!) berries…but did you know that raspberry leaves are loaded with flavor and healthy benefits, too?
Oh, and fun fact: raspberry leaves can actually be classified as an herb — one that can be easily grown in hardiness zones 3-10.
This tasty herb is jam-packed with vitamins and other nutrients.
Arguably, the most notable nutrients are the raspberry plant’s beneficial polyphenols. Raspberry leaves contain high levels of these oxidative stress-fighting compounds.
So if you’re looking to protect your cells from damage, look no further than a warm cup of steeped raspberry herbs.
In a world with so many chemicals that can wreak havoc on our bodies — antioxidant-rich herbs are a must have in any garden!
I like to take about a teaspoon of crushed raspberry leaves and add it to two cups of boiled water.
You can also use a hint of stevia or stevia leaf extract to add a light sweetness.
Simple, and delightful.
Lavender is known for its vibrant purple flowers and floral, aromatic fragrance. Many people use lavender extract, or essential oil topically or in a diffuser to reap some of the many health benefits of this special plant.
However, did you know you can actually Steep the benefits, too? In fact, if you’re interested in tasting the pleasant aroma that you’re probably only used to sniffing — lavender herbal tea is a great choice for you.
Lavender tea has calming effects and is thought to be effective in reducing (and sometimes even alleviating) unpleasant symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, and even insomnia.
I like to start with 3 teaspoons of fresh lavender buds steeped in 2 cups of hot water and add a bit more to taste (depending on how lavendery I’m feeling that day). For best results, you should steep your lavender buds for 6-8 minutes before removing the buds and sipping your warm, aromatic cup of deliciousness.
A hot cup of lavender tea aids in soothing digestive issues, headaches, toothaches, and even canker sores.
Remember, when talking about ingesting lavender, we’re only referring to lavender buds being steeped into tea. It’s important to note that lavender essential oil should Not be ingested due to concerns of toxicity of linalyl acetate and linalool (this can be especially dangerous for cats and dogs).
If you’re on the fence about whether lavender herbal tea is right for you — ask a doctor or dietician to ensure you don’t have any contraindications.
I’m telling you, lavender tea is relaxation in a mug (or teacup)!
Ahh…a warm cup of chamomile herbal tea… one of my favorite morning rituals.
Chamomile is an ancient medicinal herb with tiny flowers that resemble little daisies.
The herb is chock full of anti-inflammatory properties, and — like raspberry and lavender tea — it’s caffeine-free.
This is great for anyone looking for a boost in health — without the unwanted boost in alertness.
According to Healthline.com, Chamomile contains the antioxidant apigenin, which is a big win when trying to prevent oxidative stress — and even certain cancers.
In addition to reducing inflammation, chamomile tea is believed to help lower blood sugar, decrease symptoms of anxiety, reduce pain associated with menstruation, and even improve the health of your heart.
You can easily grow chamomile in plant hardiness zones 3-9.
So, if you’re living within one of these zones, you’ll definitely want to pick up some chamomile seeds. That way, you can grow fresh chamomile right in the comfort of your own garden.
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm leaves have a mild scent that is nostalgic of zest from a fresh lemon. However, lemon balm is actually an herb in the mint family. This herb can be grown in zones 3 through 7.
Lemon balm provides relatively fast relief from symptoms of stress and anxiety. Just one cup of steeped lemon balm can elevate your mood, calm you down, and keep you relaxed for hours.
Oh, and this one is another caffeine-free herb. So, if you’re like me and you get a bit overstimulated by caffeine — you’ll have nothing to worry about with this tasty, healthful herb.
I always feel a sense of calmness after enjoying a warm cup of lemon balm tea.
The best part? This mint-meets-citrus tasting herb has a flavor that is simply lovely on it’s own — so no need to add any refined sweeteners. (Though, if you want to add a hint of sugar — go for it! We don’t judge.)
High in antioxidants, lemon balm not only has anti-inflammatory properties, but has been said to be effective in relieving uncomfortable symptoms of atopic dermatitis.
Rosemary contains a plant compound called rosmarinic acid. This compound — also present in other plants of the mint family — is thought to reduce symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.
I like rosemary tea because it’s thought to support brain and eye health. As someone who spends a fair amount of time looking at screens — there’s nothing more therapeutic than a warm cup of rosemary tea and a few hours of fresh air out in the garden. So if you’re looking to support and protect your vision, rosemary herbal tea is a wonderful option for you.
I found out from Healthline.com that — like most herbal teas — rosemary has antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. I also read that rosemary can help with mood and memory.
So grab a teaspoon of rosemary, steep it in two cups of hot water for 5-10 minutes, remove the leaves with a mesh strainer — and enjoy!
If you want to grow rosemary, you can learn about how cold it can tolerate here.
Peppermint is not only delicious — but it’s a helpful ally to your body, too.
It can easily be grown in hardiness zones 3-11.
According to Healthline.com, studies have shown that peppermint can aid in the relief of headaches, seasonal allergies, menstrual cramps, and even uncomfortable GI symptoms like nausea, stomach upset, indigestion, gas, and bloating.
This delectable herb may help fight inflammation and also has antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
When I have a migraine, my go-to is to harvest some fresh peppermint leaves from the garden.
Homemade peppermint herbal tea is easy-to-make and so comforting to drink. It’s my happy place.
All I do is heat up a blend of water and almond milk (I use 1 cup of each but you can do what works best for you) and steep at least ¼ cup of fresh mint leaves.
I like to let my mint leaves hang out in my tea until I’m finished drinking it — but you can take the leaves out sooner as long as you let them steep for at least 5 minutes.
I would, however, recommend keeping your mint leaves in as long as possible to ensure you’re not missing out on any of that warm, minty goodness.
Another antioxidant-rich mint leaf that loves zones 3-11, spearmint has many similar properties to its sister plant: peppermint.
Like peppermint, spearmint has a breath-freshening taste and antimicrobial properties. So it’s no wonder why people have been using spearmint in toothpaste and mouthwash for so long.
Spearmint provides the same GI relief that peppermint does. So, if you’re drinking mint tea mainly to sooth your digestive system, choosing between peppermint and spearmint is mostly going to come down to your taste preference.
One unique quality of spearmint herbal tea is its ability to assist in balancing hormones and reducing facial hair in women.
Spearmint already has a bit of a natural sweetness that is quite pleasant, but you may also sweeten your spearmint tea with a bit of stevia, agave nectar, or even date syrup.
When steeped with a blend of water and plant-based milk, this herb makes a cup of creamy, calming, anxiety-reducing delicious.
It’s not merely a cup of tea, but an entire experience.
Now you know all about 7 of the best garden herbs to grow at home and steep into tea. If you liked reading my list of herbs, please share it with a friend who might also find the information useful.
You can also find more information on garden herbs for beginners here.
Thank you for reading this guest post by LMadGz!
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