The Ultimate Holiday Shopping List for Gardeners

Still got a few gifts to check off your holiday shopping list? If they’re for gardeners, don’t fret—I’ve got you covered.

Below are some affordable, quality gardening gifts that will have the growers you know eager to try them out this spring.

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The gifts

1. Gloves

Possibly the most essential piece of gardening gear, gloves are bound to please any gardener (since we’re always wearing holes in our favorite pair).

There are a thousand different kinds of gloves out there, but don’t buy the cheapest pair you can find. Go for quality gloves that will last a long time – unless the recipient is prone to losing things!

Garden Gloves are available on Amazon.

For day-to-day gardening tasks, nylon gloves like these Garden Gloves are inexpensive and machine washable.

True Grip General Purpose Gloves are available on Amazon.

Try True Grip General Purpose Gloves for yard work and other tasks that require a little bit more protection.

For pruning roses and other thorny shrubs, I’d recommend long, thick gloves like these All-Leather Gauntlet Gloves from Womenswork.

2. Plants

What’s the gift that keeps on giving? Live plants. I’d almost bet money that if you get any of the gardeners on your list a plant, they’ll repay you in cuttings!

You can order live houseplants from online plant nurseries like The Sill and Grounded.

Try The Sill or Grounded for houseplants shipped right to your door, or stop by your local nursery to find the perfect plant and pot.

These landscaping plants from the GreenUpside shop could be shipped right to your door.

Know someone whose landscape needs a little love? Send ‘em a couple of these landscaping plants from the GreenUpside shop.

3. Pots

What’s a plant without something to grow it in?

A stackable planter from True Leaf Market.

I’ve never known a green thumb to be disappointed with a new planter. From terracotta pots to wooded planters, True Leaf Market has the perfect container for the new plant you got your gardener friend.

4. Seed Trays

Want to show your loved ones you really care about them? Get ’em some seed trays. Seed trays are the equivalent of gifting socks or underwear—not a glamourous gift by any means, but it’s the last thing most gardeners are going to buy for themselves.

A seed-starting kit from True Leaf Market.

Plastic seed trays are reusable, but the wear and tear from season to season means that gardeners probably need new seed trays each season. True Leaf Market has an extensive selection of seed trays and other seed-starting supplies, so if you want to get a beginning grower off on the right foot order them a seed-starting kit!

True Leaf Market carries low-heat, energy-efficient grow lights.

5. Grow Lights

Feel like splurging on the grower in your life? Get them a grow light! True Leaf Market has the best energy-efficient, low-heat grow lights on the market.

6. Boots

If you know your gardener’s size, a pair of waterproof work boots make the perfect gift!

Bogs, Muck Boots, and Xtratuf are the traditional favorites for everything from gardening to farming, but I have a new favorite (Hisea) and you can read my review of these made-in-USA work boots here!

7. Seeds

What can a gardener never have enough of? Seeds. Seriously. Nothing’s more exciting than a new seed catalog and a blank check. We like to hoard seeds, and we always sow too many seeds.

Premium non-GMO seeds from True Leaf Market.

Click this link to shop GreenUpside’s partner seed company, True Leaf Market. You’ll find hundreds of non-GMO seeds, ranging from heirloom tomatoes to hybrid beans and open-pollinated cucumbers.

8. Books

What’s a gardener to do during the off-season? Read books, of course. Give your gardener an eBook that they can carry with them into the field next summer. How about The Complete Guide to Growing Potatoes from the GreenUpside library?

9. Online Courses

What do you get the gardener who is hard to buy for? An online course, because even if they have it all they probably don’t know it all (because that would be impossible, right?). Give the gift of education.

The Ultimate Seed-Starting Guide is an affordable, awesome gift for anyone who is interested in growing plants from seeds. This self-paced course is hosted on Udemy and contains 46 video lectures (over an hour of content) as well as 24 downloadable resources. Even better, the student has lifetime access to the course.

Made for beginning growers but relatable for gardeners of all experience levels, you can feel good about gifting this online course to the plant-inclined people in your life.

10. Tools

The tool is only as good as the user, but the right tools can make all the difference in the garden. Work harder, not smarter, right?

You really can’t go wrong with tools.

The Felco 2 hand shears can cut through the toughest plant stems and roots.

Hand shears & pruners

A good pair of garden shears is a must, and so are loppers for pruning woody branches and shrubs.

The ARS Small hand Shears are great all-around snips.

I like Swiss-made Felco products like the Felco 2, but they can be a bit pricey. These Small hand Shears by ARS are a more affordable option with impressive durability and power for such a small blade.

Watering wands

Hand watering tools are one of the most overlooked pieces of garden equipment—how many people do you know who use a regular water hose or watering can to water?

The DRAMM Rain Wand is one of the best watering wands.

Rain wands like this one by Dramm are among the best equipment for seed starting and container gardening. The long handle allows you to reach the middle of a bed with ease, and the showerhead ensures an even flow of water that won’t harm even the most delicate seedlings.

If they need a hose to go with the watering wand, Flexzilla has awesome reviews.

This Japanese Hori-Hori from True Leaf Market is one of my favorite gardening tools.

Hori-hori knife

Most gardeners have a hand trowel or harvest blade, but fewer have the multi-functional Japanese Hori-Hori from True Leaf Market. It’s a miracle tool that resembles a cross between a trowel and a harvest knife perfect for digging and weeding. The concave blade is serrated on one side and marked in inches, making transplanting seedlings a breeze. This hori-hori also comes with a sheath for the blade that you can attach to your belt, for easy access in the garden.

This gardening bench from Amazon is perfect for senior gardeners! (Or anyone who wants to give their knees and back a break).

Gardening bench

This gardening bench makes working in the garden easy!

Shopping for gardeners this holiday season? Consider quality clothing and accessories like gloves, water wands, and a hori-hori knife, as well as plants, pots, and seed trays. Other great gifts include grow lights, work boots, seeds, books, online courses, and a gardening bench.

It’s not too late to order the perfect gifts for your plant-loving friends and family! Check out the GreenUpside Shop for the best deals on top-notch gardening gifts (and you might as well order something for yourself while you’re at it).

To find books, courses, seeds, gardening supplies, and more, check out The Shop at Greenupside!

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