What Colors Do Raspberries Come In? (5 Cool Raspberry Colors)

Raspberries are delicious with their sweet, tart flavor and fragrant scent.  However, raspberries also boast beautiful flowers and fruit of all colors.

So, what colors do raspberries come in?  Raspberries are available in red, yellow, pink, purple, and black colors.  Different raspberry varieties will also vary in fruit size, harvest time, cold tolerance, and disease resistance.

Of course, you can grow many different raspberry varieties with all sorts of fruit colors.  If you grow them close together, you might end up with hybrid plants a few years down the road.

In this article, we’ll look at some raspberry varieties of each color.  We’ll also look at their cold tolerance, zone hardiness, fruit size, and harvest times.

Let’s get started.

What Colors Do Raspberries Come In?

Raspberries come in all sorts of different colors, including:

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Black

The harvest time can vary quite a bit, from June to September (or even until frost!)  Some raspberry varieties are everbearing, which means that they produce fruit twice a year: in summer and fall.

wild raspberry colors
Raspberries come in lots of different colors and sizes.

Some of them are summer bearing, while others are everbearing.  Some are extremely cold-tolerant, hardy as far north as Zone 3.

Some produce small, firm berries, while others produce large berries that fill your bowl quickly.

We’ll start off by taking a look at the most common color of raspberry: red.

Red Raspberries

Red raspberries are a classic: they are the color you are most familiar with, and the one you usually see at the grocery store.  Since red is the most common color for raspberry fruit, there are lots of different varieties in this category.

red raspberries
Red raspberries are the most common color, and the one you usually find in grocery stores.

You should be able to find something you like in a seed catalog, but here is a sample of red raspberry varieties to get you started:

Yellow Raspberries (Golden Raspberries)

Yellow raspberries (or golden raspberries) are real, and they are edible.  Yellow raspberries are sweeter than red raspberries, with a less tart flavor.

yellow raspberries
Yellow raspberries, or golden raspberries, are sweeter than red raspberries.

However, many people have never seen them, since they are much less common than red raspberries.  Even so, there are still quite a few yellow raspberry varieties available.

A seed catalog or online search should help you to find some yellow raspberry varieties you might enjoy growing, but here is a list of yellow raspberry varieties to start with:

Pink Raspberries

Pink raspberries are rare, but they are edible like any other raspberries.  In fact, they are so rare that I was only able to track down one variety that has pink to orange fruit:

  • Double Gold – this everbearing variety produces medium pink or orange raspberries in July and September.  The plant tolerates cold, and it is hardy in Zones 4 to 8.  It also resists Phytophthora root rot.  You can find Double Gold raspberry plants from Stark Brothers.

Purple Raspberries

Purple raspberries a hybrid variety, formed by crossing red raspberries and black raspberries.  You might end up with purple raspberries in a few years if you grow red and black raspberries close together.

purple raspberries
Purple raspberries are often a hybrid variety (a cross between red and black raspberries).

Purple raspberries have a tarter flavor than red raspberries.  However, they are still delicious, with a nice bit of sweetness.

Purple raspberries may not be commonly available in grocery stores, but you might be able to find them at a farmer’s market or roadside stand.  If not, don’t worry – you can grow them yourself!

A seed catalog will sometimes have some purple raspberry varieties for you to try, but just in case that search is fruitless, here is a list of purple raspberry varieties to start with:

Black Raspberries

Black raspberries have smaller fruit than the other colors of raspberries.  However, don’t write them off just yet.

black raspberries
Black raspberries are smaller than other raspberries, but they have a nice tart flavor that gives them an extra kick.

What black raspberries lack in size, they more than make up for in flavor.  These tiny raspberries are tart with just enough sweetness to keep you eating handfuls at a time.

You might find black raspberries at a grocery store, but they are not as common as red raspberries.  If you cannot find them, you can grow them instead.

Here are some black raspberry varieties to get you started (this list is not exhaustive):

Are There Blue Raspberries?

Unfortunately, there are no blue raspberries found in nature.

Science may be able to create blue raspberries with genetic modification, but nobody has bred any hybrid blue raspberries as of this writing.


Raspberries come in lots of different colors – if you can think of one, it almost certainly exists.  All you really need to decide is when you want to harvest them and how much cold they need to be able to tolerate!

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Jon M

Hi, I'm Jon. Let's solve your gardening problems, spend more time growing, and get the best harvest every year!

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