Heirloom Tomato Varieties (30+ You Should Know About)

Heirloom tomatoes are “pure” in the sense that they are not the result of a deliberate cross between two different varieties.  They are valued for their flavor, appearance, and the fact that they have adapted well to their native region.

So, what are the heirloom tomato varieties you should know about?  You can find Italian and Spanish heirloom tomatoes, among others. You can also find red, pink, yellow, green, purple, and black heirloom tomatoes. Some heirloom tomatoes are fast maturing (early), and some are determinate. Check out the lists below to learn more and find one that you like!

Of course, there are many varieties of heirloom tomatoes – far too many to list them all here.

In this article, we’ll give some details on heirloom tomatoes from some countries (such as Italy, France, and Spain).  We’ll also look at heirloom tomatoes of various colors, from red to black.

Let’s get started.

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30+ Heirloom Tomato Varieties

Heirloom tomatoes have unique flavor, interesting shapes, and they are often well-adapted to their environment.  They hail from many countries of origin and have many different colors as well.

colorful heirloom tomatoes
Heirloom tomato varieties come in all shapes and sizes, and also from various countries of origin.

Let’s start off with some Italian heirloom tomato varieties.

Italian Heirloom Tomato Varieties

If you are looking for Italian heirloom tomato varieties, you might like these:

Costoluto Genovese Tomato
Costoluto Genovese tomatoes are heiloom tomatoes that came from Italy.

Spanish & Mexican Heirloom Tomato Varieties

If you are looking for Spanish heirloom tomato varieties, you might like these:

Red & Pink Heirloom Tomato Varieties

Amish paste tomato
Amish paste tomatoes are an heirloom tomato variety.

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Yellow Heirloom Tomato Varieties

If you are looking for yellow heirloom tomato varieties, you might like these:

You can find lots of yellow heirloom tomato varieties, such as Dr. Wyche’s and Striped German.

Green Heirloom Tomato Varieties

If you are looking for green heirloom tomato varieties, you might like these:

green tomatoes
There are even a few green heirloom tomato varieties, including Cherokee Green and Green Giant.

Purple & Black Heirloom Tomato Varieties

If you are looking for dark-looking purple or black heirloom tomato varieties, you might like these:

purple tomato
There are plenty of purple or black tomato varieties, including Black Krim and Cherokee Purple.


Now you have a good list of heirloom tomato varieties of various colors and origins.  You also know how long they take to mature and where to find them.

You can learn more about heirloom tomatoes here.

You can learn the difference between organic and heirloom seeds here.

You can learn all about when to plant tomato seeds here.

I hope you found this article helpful.  If so, please share it with someone who can use the information.

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Jon M

Hi, I'm Jon. Let's solve your gardening problems, spend more time growing, and get the best harvest every year!

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