
🌱 Uplevel your gardening skills with self-paced courses from the GreenUpside library!

Seed Starting Guide Home Page Image
Starting plants from seed might seem overwhelming at first –
but if you learn it step by step, you’ll be a pro in no time!

πŸ‘‹Hey, gardener!

I’m so happy you landed here, because deciding to start your own garden is a big step towards food sovereignty and independence for yourself and your family.

Gardening isn’t just a fun hobby – it’s a legacy. From the dawn of civilization, agriculture has helped to feed billions of people and build society as we know it.

A lot of this knowledge was passed down generationally. But for those of us that grew up without a garden, we might never have learned how to start seeds and grow our own food.

That’s where my courses come in.

I know how frustrating it can be to find the right information online, so I’ve made it my goal to distill all of the correct information into bite-sized courses that cover everything you need to know to grow your own garden, from starting seeds to harvesting vegetables – plus so much more.

If you like what you see, stay tuned for more to come! Join my email list and you’ll be the first to know when a new course drops.

Ultimate Seed Starting Guide (A Complete Reference)

Starting plants from seeds: It’s one of those basic tasks that everyone just assumes you know how to do.

Once you learn a few foundational skills, seed sowing becomes a breeze!

If you’re a new grower, that might just be one skill that you haven’t mastered yet. You probably have more than a few questions, like:

  • How do I start seeds?
  • When can I start seeds?
  • What soil do I need to start seeds?
  • What kind of lights do I need?
  • Where should I buy my seeds from?

And if you’ve ever done a Google search for “how to start seeds,” you’ll get an overwhelming amount of information to sift through, some of which isn’t even true.

But don’t worry – I created an information-packed, self-paced seed-starting course to set you and your garden off on the right foot.

You might be nervous right now and you might even feel like an imposter–but I promise, on the other side of this course is a confident, skilled grower that is more than capable of starting seeds at home.

In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about starting plants from seed. We’ll cover:

  • Where to buy seeds
  • What growing medium to use
  • How to use a heat mat to improve germination
  • How much light and water to give seedlings
  • When and how to transplant seedlings

We’ll cover more than the basics, too–this course also grants you access to exclusive content that will set you apart from the average gardener.

Work through the 46 video lectures at your own pace, and peruse dozens of downloadable PDF resources at your leisure. Plus, if you buy the course today you’ll get lifetime access to the material–so that you can reference all the content, indefinitely. Download the full course outline here to see if it’s right for you.

If there’s one thing we gardeners, don’t have the luxury of, it’s time. Skip years of trial and error and taste sweet success from the very beginning with my comprehensive seed-starting course! Click the button below to preview the first 6 lectures on Udemy before you buy.

The garden of your dreams is right around the corner. Go grow it! πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ

Still not convinved? Try my FREE 7-day seed starting mini-course (delivered by email) to get an idea of what you will learn!

Now you have no reason not to invest in yourself and your future garden!


Hey – want to take my FREE 1-week seed starting email mini-course?

Learn about starting plants from seed – in just a few minutes per day.

Sign up for the course and get started today!