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If you are seeing black spots on your peppers, you are probably concerned - and wondering why it is happening. It turns out that the location of the black spots can help you to determine what is...
Does your soil pH tend to “drift”, becoming more acidic or basic over time? If so, then you are familiar with adding amendments, such as lime or sulfur, to rebalance your soil pH. ...
Since potatoes (solanum tuberosum) and tomatoes (solanum lycopersicum) are the in the same family (nightshade), it makes sense to ask if they can be grown together. I did some research to see...
If you are a gardener or farmer, you’ve probably read a lot about how important it is to get the right pH level in your soil. You’ve probably also wondered what happens if you fail to...
You’ve planted your tomatoes and nurtured them every step of the way. It can be disappointing to see them growing smaller and slower than you hoped. So, why are your tomatoes growing so...
What Is The Average Cost of Rototilling? (Plus 3 Alternatives)
To expand your garden or start a new one, you will need to loosen up the soil. Rototilling is more expensive than using a shovel, but it will save you a lot of time and energy. So, what is...