Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry (Brockton, MA)

Looking for Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry plants in or around the Brockton, Massachusetts area? We have a limited quantity available on a seasonal basis.

thornless blackberries

Please email and use the subject line “Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry” to join our waiting list. You will receive notifications when our Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry plants are available for sale.

Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry (Brockton, MA)

Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) is a flowering shrub that produces large black berries that are tart but sweet.

Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry Flower
Blackberry flowers will turn into berries later in the summer, after pollination occurs.

They are a good long-term choice for an edible landscape, since they can live for decades (up to 40 years!)

Blackberries contain lots of anthocyanins (just like blueberries). They also contain Vitamins C, E, and K, along with a dose of fiber, which are all good for your health.

Blackberries are healthy and they contain vitamins C, E, and K, along with plenty of fiber.

Remember this for blackberry canes:

  • Primocane —> First Year Shoot
  • Floricane —–> Second Year Shoot

Primocanes have lighter bark and don’t break as easily. Leave the primocanes to get berries on them next year! Most blackberries only produce fruit on floricanes (second year shoots). So you can prune away the older floricanes, since they are done producing fruit.

No matter what blackberry variety you choose, plant in early spring (4-6 weeks before the last frost date in your area). A trellis helps plants to stand up tall and stay off the ground so they don’t get sick.

Blackberries produce more fruit with full sun. Soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 (slightly acidic) is a good goal.

Please email with the subject line “Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry” to join our waiting list and get notifications when Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry plants are in-season and available for sale.